Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Art of Trying

I saw the trees today and thought to myself how beautiful they look, even though they’re dying. Seasons change, and so do the colour of the leaves; people change, and so do their beliefs. Everything comes and goes, leaving me down in the wallows. The simulation life has...

The Clouds

Life likes to throw so many curveballs and if you are standing in a certain spot, you are going to get hit hard. Think about your time in your life too, we waste it on worrying, stressing, and stretching ourselves to the point when...

Enlightenment Part I: The Question

On top of the green, infinite mountains stands a man no older than eternity, talking to nature as the soft whispers of the wind echo in his ears: telling him of a time before man, when nature ruled in harmony around the globe. ...

Are we robots controlling robots?

Dear Mistaken Generation, As my phone dies, I wonder how connected I really am when I’m on my phone. I can talk to people and engage in conversations I want to have. Unfortunately as this paragraph drags on you will notice that we are not as...

Dear Heart

Dear Heart,I’m sorry for wearing you on my sleeve,and giving you away, as if you werebut a stone that held me down.You are a compass,a compass with a lost sense of direction.A compass which only points meto the closest point of comfort,A compass which...


The following article was submitted in partnership with the COM X program which gives students in Communications Studies the opportunity to work as an intern at The Baron. What are we all doing here? Really, what are we doing? I know the easy answer...

Aiming to overcome

Turn to your left, then turn to your right. Do you feel like you belong? Imagine being a fish swimming in the ocean and never seeing who’s around you until you explode your horizons. If you never take a leap of faith or do...

Scars of love

I just want to be loved. A phrase that I’ve said way too many times. But what does love really mean? Does it mean... That look you get from your man across the way or all the snuggles your pet gives you when you come...

Enlightenment Part II: The Answer

He awoke to the sound of birds singing as the morning sun rose up from behind the bleached horizon, and chased the night away with its holy fire. Feeling apologetic for his behaviour, the man decided to ask the wind, once again, but this time a...

Night & Darkness

While the night beckons me to her breast, I push myself into it and suck thick darkness into me. Fill the body with void, conduit numbness, paralyzed thoughts,  shed color, & embrace silence. Still the vestiges of light were waving around my corner. I cut my ears, pluck my eyes, stitch my mouth and...