Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hooking up, f**king and the like: Are these types of relationships right for you?

Engaging in sex can be a complicated thing. While your physical self longs to do the dirty on a regular basis, your morals can sometimes get in the way. From booty calls and one night stands to f**k buddies and friends with benefits, all of...

Opinion: UNB needs to relocate the Ward Chipman study lounge

On October 6, students received an email notifying them of the following: “As our campus continues to evolve to suit the needs of our students, you will notice some renovations taking place the next couple of months.   In December, Saint John College (SJC) will be getting...

Op-Ed: Is UNB doing enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

With 199 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed over the weekend, public health is in unchartered waters. With vaccination rates so low for the 20-29 year age group, it begs the question, is UNB doing enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on our campus? Update...

A farewell to my readers

As life must move on, so must my degree. I am transferring to UNBF next year to study out the remainder of my years in my BSc. in Electrical Computer Engineering. I’d like to thank all of my readers for all of the support...

Isn’t it time you did more than just commute? How being involved can change your university experience

As the school year comes to a close I can’t help but reflect on the year that’s passed and all of the great things that have come from my involvement on campus. I’ve heard UNBSJ be referred to as a “commuter school” so many times...

Op Ed: Student tips for success on getting a job

Coming up on 10 years, I have been working at various sales-related roles in both Ontario and New Brunswick. Here's some advice for students trying to find and keep work in Canada. Apply in person When applying for a position, show up in person. Every job...

The Nature of Art of Nature: A Saint Patrick’s adventure to NBM

March 17 was a particularly blustery Saint Patrick’s Day, which encouraged conversation over the old St. Pat’s storm superstition. The gale would come a few days later, but on Sunday morning, Uptown Saint John was quiet; only the clatter of the Irish flag outside...

Rape is not something to joke about

If you’ve liked the UNB Saint John Confessions/Compliments page on Facebook, you’ve probably seen the recent discussion about rape. It all began with a student complaining about being “raped” by a midterm. This seemingly innocent comment was met with some controversy, after some students...

Who the hell am I voting for? – Student Affairs

This week, the Baron sent out a set of questions to the three first and second year students running for vice president student affairs in this year’s Students’ Representative Council election. The successful candidate will serve on the Students Representative Council executive for the next...

Ask a counsellor: Friends and family unsupportive of goals

I’m working really hard on goals that I’ve set for myself… but my friends and family are not being supportive – and are actually getting in the way! What should I do? This is an issue that many people encounter. We see it a lot...