Monday, May 6, 2024

Hooking up, f**king and the like: Are these types of relationships right for you?

Engaging in sex can be a complicated thing. While your physical self longs to do the dirty on a regular basis, your morals can sometimes get in the way. From booty calls and one night stands to f**k buddies and friends with benefits, all of...

Call of Duty: Black Ops Review

Call of Duty: Black Ops for the Nintendo Wii is a hit-and-miss sort of game. The Wii’s light-gun control style is sometimes a joy to play with and sometimes a crippled, broken experience. Certain sections of the game are fantastic, action-packed fun, while others...

Op-Ed: let’s talk about parking

“I came to the university two hours before I normally would, and I still couldn’t find a spot anywhere close to the campus.” “I can’t ever get a parking spot.” “I drove around the parking lot for 30 minutes looking for a place to park" These have...

WUSC 2012-2013

By Brenna Farren As the 2012-2013 school year draws to a close, WUSC UNBSJ would like to take the opportunity to look back on all that has happened and also to thank those who have shown us their amazing support. In the fall of 2013, World...

Why is accessing mental health treatment so hard?

Therapy – it’s an activity whose mere mention makes some people uncomfortable. It’s sometimes referred to as a place that only people with “problems” go to, and having problems or showing weakness is something that isn’t allowed in today’s society. It also comes with...

Seawolves Win 2016-2017 NBA Championship (April Fools 2017)

In a move that surprised literally everyone, UNB Saint John’s own basketball team won the 2016-2017 NBA championship against the Toronto Raptors last night. “When I got the news that the Seawolves won the NBA championship for this season, a full on guffaw escaped me,”...

Rob Ford fiasco highlights flaws in our political system

MARC W. KITTERINGHAM — THE GRIFF (MACEWAN UNIVERSITY) We need an impeachment option. Something is definitely wrong with being able to ask a person who they were threatening to kill and how often they smoke crack, and still being able to call them mayor. Even after...

Cody Hicks’ Verse the Sun and the Moon: a Review

When one thinks of East-Coast music, there’s the penchant to conjure up visions of fiddles and bagpipes and though after a conversation with Cody Hicks, one wouldn’t be surprised to find these instruments laced within the confines of his labyrinthine style, jigs and reels...

6 Things to do with your extra day off

It’s Thanksgiving! It’s the time of year to give thanks for friends, family, education, and more importantly the fact that you don’t have to go to class on Monday. So, to celebrate the first long weekend of the year, here is a collection of...

Ask the librarian anything: I probably don’t know the answer … but I know how to find it.

Enrico asks: I just started university and I’d like to have a girlfriend but I don’t have a sweet clue how to get one. What does the research say about dating and about how to get a girlfriend? Can you find some good pick-up...